Sliding up from out from under, from the old heart of the Bay Area… from out of nowhere even-it’s a special new band. Hands up for the sweet and sour popsicles of PEACERS! Pop music in the new century-what’s it all about? In the hands of PEACERS, it is BAKED-a vanillan cake with sweet sooty icing. Shades of the Bratish invision: compressions and crushes, bone-shakes and glutinous thinks, a wisp of the blues, ardor and romance scraping like the ceiling at your back. Carrying on like rock and roll never happened already, PEACERS unpack a century’s-worth of progress in fresh tunage, capering to classic beats such as ‘jetset,’ ‘showtunes,’ ‘British psyc (blues),’ ‘D.I.Y.,’ ‘subterranean homesic,’ ‘EMI (pistols)’ and the rest. PEACERS’ debut is a max dash through the gutted and the gutter, all of which is written home about with a gleeful cock of the skull and twinkle in eye. The perspex of the songs and production both is saddled and well-traveled, but fresh under the glass -unmistakably out the poison-nib (well) of MIKE DONOVAN whose hits with SIC ALPS will live forever, like candy wrappers glittering up from the sewer. And who’s producing you, Peacers? Mike D’s ole SF cohort himself, TY SEGALL, whose rhythm sections and arrangement-commendations re-cast most of the tunes on the rec with copacetic co-ness!
Peacers by The Peacers